9 Tips for Feeding Your Baby

As a parent, you'll face many decisions on how to best care for your baby. One of the important areas that you should learn about is the idea of feeding and offering optimal nutrition for your baby. In a recent survey of maternity and neonatal nurses, 90‘3’0 of maternity nurses said they usually counsel mothers concerning feeding options in the course of their postpartum recovery. As such, it is a good idea to always ask for advice when you're still in hospital or even talk to your pediatrician or obstetrician even before giving birth. Health specialists say there are only 2 nutritious and safe feeding choices for babies less than 6 months old: infant formula or breast milk. Breastfeeding is usually considered by health experts as the perfect infant feeding, and the infant formula is the only nutritious and safe alternative.

Choosing what to feed your baby

The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for not less than 4 months but preferably for 6 months. They say that breastfeeding should be continued with the addition of complementary foods, through the first twelve (12) months and thereafter provided that it's mutually desired by the infant and mother. Breast milk provides nearly all the nutrients that your baby needs so as to be healthy. In addition, it contains several substances that benefit the baby's immune system, including immune factors, antibodies, white blood cells, and enzymes.

However, some women can't breastfeed or even choose not to. For their babies, the infant formula remains the only nutritious, safe and recommended alternative that's proven to help babies grow and develop to healthy children. The infant formula usually provides the caloric, carbohydrate, fat and protein values needed for the right infant nutrition.

Many mothers usually supplement their breastfeeding with the infant formula (known as mixed or supplementary feeding). They breastfeed for certain feedings and then prepare bottles of formula for some. This common practice usually works well for most infants.

Tips For Feeding Your Baby


Feeding a baby is a round-the-clock commitment. It is also a great opportunity to start forming a strong bond with the newest member of the family. Below are 9 Tips for Feeding Your Baby:

1. Stick with the infant formula o breast milk

Breast milk is the perfect food for infants - with rare exceptions. In case breast-feeding is not possible for you, you should use infant formula. Healthy babies don't need juice, water or any other fluids. As such, you should always stick with breast milk unless advised otherwise by health experts.

2. Positioning

If you're bottle-feeding, you should hold your baby and then talk to him/her. Don't lay your baby down and don't ever prop the feeding bottle in position. Babies should be held and cuddled as they feed and they should never be left propped with the bottle.

Breastfed infants can always be held in the lap or even in the "football" hold, with their legs at your side, possibly on a pillow. Most breastfeeding mothers love feeding in bed with the baby rolled towards you.

3. Feed your newborn on demand

Most newborns require 8 to 12 feedings in a day - about 1 feeding after every 2 to 3 hours. You should Lookout for early signs of hunger; the signs may include stirring and stretching, sucking gestures as well as lip movements. Both Fussing and crying are advanced cues. The earlier you start each feeding, the less likely you will need to calm a frantic baby.

If your newborn stops sucking, closes his/her mouth, or simply turns away from the bottle or nipple it means that he/she might be full or he is just taking a short break. You should try burping your newborn or you should wait for one minute before you offer your breast or the feeding bottle once again. As your newborn becomes older, he/she will start taking in more milk in less time at every feeding.

4. Burping

The baby will possibly swallow some air when feeding. This is not good as it will cause him! her to vomit or become fussy, so it's always important to burp your baby after each and every feeding. In order for you to burp your baby, you have to sit or hold him/her against your chest or shoulder and start patting him/her lightly on the back. Each and every baby regardless of whether he is breastfed or bottle-fed is very different. However, you should learn to understand your child's needs as time passes. Breastfed babies sometimes also require burping.

5. Consider vitamin D supplements

You should ask your infants doctor about vitamin D complements that are suitable for your baby, particularly if you are breast-feeding. Breast milk may not be able to provide your baby with sufficient vitamin D, which is very important in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus which help your baby to develop strong bones.

6. Expect variations in your newborn's eating patterns

Your newborn won't necessarily eat the same amount every day. During growth spurts - often at two to three weeks after birth and again at six weeks after birth - your newborn might take more at each feeding or want to be fed more often. Respond to early signs of hunger, rather than keeping a strict eye on the clock.

7. Trust your instincts - and the newborn's

You may be worried that your newborn is not eating enough food, but infants usually know how much they require. Do not focus on the amount that he/she takes or how frequently your newborn eats. You should instead, lookout for?

Satisfaction between feedings

Stable weight gain

By the 5th day after your baby's birth, at least 6 wet diapers and 3 or more bowel movement in a day You should consult your doctor if your baby is not gaining weight, wets less than 6 diapers in a day or if he/she has little interest in feeds.

8. Consider every feeding a time to bond with your baby

Hold your baby close during every feeding session. Look him/her into the eye. Speak with a very gentle voice. Use every feeding session as an opportunity for building your newborn's sense of trust, security, and comfort.

9. Know when to ask for help

If you are having trouble when breast-feeding, you should ask a lactation specialist or your infant's doctor for assistance - particularly if each and every feeding is agonizing or your infant is not gaining weight. If you have not worked with a lactation specialist before, you should ask your newborn's doctor for the recommendation. Summary

Feeding your baby is a good opportunity to create a bond with the baby. Try and enjoy every mealtime. Making sure that feeding your baby is enjoyable for both of you is very important. As such, pick a comfortable place so as to sit and relax with your baby as you feed him/her. Feeding is a great time to hold and also enjoy your baby and this interaction should be pleasurable at all times by following the above tips.


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